Published on

January 4, 2024

Artificial Intelligence

Akkio: Best ThoughtSpot Alternative (Cheaper & Faster)

Akkio is a powerful Thoughtspot alternative, offering a comprehensive suite of features that allow businesses to make data-driven decisions faster.
Julia Dunlea
VP of Marketing
Artificial Intelligence

Businesses are constantly seeking the most efficient and cost-effective tools to gain a competitive edge. ThoughtSpot has been a popular choice, but there’s a new player in town that’s turning heads: Akkio.

This article will dive deep into the world of Akkio and explain why it’s the best ThoughtSpot alternative for businesses looking to make data-driven decisions. So, let’s get started.

Key Takeaways

  • Akkio is one of the best ThoughtSpot alternative, offering generative business intelligence, streamlined data analysis and industry-agnostic compatibility at a very affordable price.
  • Both Akkio and ThoughtSpot offer intuitive data visualization & exploration tools with AI powered analytics for improved decision making.
  • They provide comprehensive integration & customization capabilities as well as transparent pricing plans to maximize ROI without incurring large costs.

Akkio: Your ThoughtSpot Alternative

Akkio is an innovative business intelligence platform that has rapidly gained traction as one of the best ThoughtSpot alternative. It offers a powerful analytics platform for businesses to make data-driven decisions and maintain a competitive edge by leveraging features such as generative business intelligence, streamlined data analysis, and applications across various industries.

Generative Business Intelligence

Generative Business Intelligence is a game-changing approach to data analysis that combines the power of artificial intelligence with a user-friendly interface.

With Akkio, business users can quickly generate valuable business insights, predictions, and visualizations without any technical expertise. Thanks to natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, Akkio’s Generative Business Intelligence platform enables users to interact with their data in a more intuitive manner, create data narratives, and automate reporting.

This innovative approach to data analysis not only expedites the process but also empowers business users to make critical decisions based on actionable insights.

Streamlined Data Analysis

Akkio’s platform is designed to help teams extract and process web data from multiple sources, allowing them to:

  • Generate valuable business insights promptly
  • Refresh reports regularly to have up-to-date data for well-informed decisions
  • Utilize natural language processing and data analytics capabilities to understand customer sentiment regarding products

Akkio's streamlined approach to data analysis allows users to create custom reports and visualizations, saving time and resources while delivering key insights. The user-friendly interface of Akkio facilitates easy data exploration, enabling users to discover valuable insights efficiently.

Applications and Industries

Not only is Akkio an excellent ThoughtSpot alternative, but it’s also versatile and applicable across a wide range of industries and applications like:

  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Customer support
  • Sales

This adaptability makes it a valuable tool for businesses in various sectors, from technology and finance to healthcare and transportation, where data processing and analyzing business data is crucial.

Comparing ThoughtSpot and Akkio Features

Now that we’ve introduced Akkio and its features, it’s time to compare it with ThoughtSpot. Both platforms offer a set of powerful features, ranging from data visualization and exploration to AI-powered analytics.

Data Visualization and Exploration

Chat Data Prep feature by Akkio

ThoughtSpot and Akkio both offer powerful data visualization and exploration tools. ThoughtSpot’s Search + LLM feature provides users with a natural language interface that allows them to ask questions in everyday language and receive answers in the form of visualizations.

Akkio’s industry-leading chat based data exploration feature also offers a natural language interface for users to query data and acquire answers in the form of visualizations.

Both platforms provide user-friendly interfaces that facilitate data exploration and the discovery of insights. Through their natural language interfaces for data queries, ThoughtSpot and Akkio make it straightforward for users to scrutinize complex data sets and discover important business insights.

However, from internal testing, we've found Chat Explore to be more user-friendly, faster, and more effective at generating reports and charts. You're free to test it yourself here!

AI-powered Analytics

AI-powered analytics is a core feature of both ThoughtSpot and Akkio. ThoughtSpot Analytics delivers insights faster than traditional analytics tools, allowing organizations to streamline operations and gain a competitive advantage in their respective industries.

Akkio focuses on ease of use and accessibility, ensuring that even users without technical expertise can harness the power of AI to make data-driven decisions. Utilizing AI technologies such as machine learning, both platforms enable businesses to swiftly identify patterns, trends, and correlations that could be overlooked with conventional analytics methods.

Akkio has been working on chat features for longer and has polished the derived products over the last year. Chat Data Prep and Chat Explore are now faster and more accurate that they've ever been.

Integration and Customization

Integration and customization are crucial aspects of any business intelligence platform, and both ThoughtSpot and Akkio excel in this area. ThoughtSpot offers extensive integration capabilities, including connections with well-known databases, cloud services, and analytics tools. Akkio also provides integration with popular databases, cloud services, and analytics tools, as well as custom integration options.

ThoughtSpot might take the lead on this one for now, being on the market for longer and integrating with more platforms. Akkio is catching up quickly, and new platforms are coming on a monthly basis. Most databases already integrate with Akkio, and we boast a great integration with Snowflake (deployable as well).

AI And Machine Learning Capabilities

Introducing Forecast Models from Akkio

Akkio doesn't simply offer an analytics platform. Every database you enter in the tool can be connected to an autoML engine to predict future outcomes, detect anomalies, or forecast using time series modeling.

As a marketer, you might want to use Akkio for lead scoring. As a salesperson, forecasting might be an invaluable way to estimate the value of your sales funnel. As a leader, Akkio might help avoid employees leaving the company and retain talent.

Akkio's AutoML is our signature feature, and it's available for everyone. No coding necessary, at any time. Our training models are also unbelievably fast, and you could get a fully-functional model up in less than a minute.

Pricing and Affordability

Akkio's pricing

A critical factor to consider when evaluating ThoughtSpot alternatives is the pricing and affordability of the platforms.

The pricing model of ThoughtSpot is based on the number of users and the amount of data connected.

ThoughtSpot Pricing

Thoughtspot's pricing

ThoughtSpot offers a Team Edition with a flat $95 monthly subscription, as well as consumption-based pricing models for enterprise and extended enterprise tiers.

More advanced use cases might require plans in the hundreds per month, becoming quickly prohibitive for smaller businesses and/or individual data analysts.

Akkio Pricing

Akkio offers transparent and affordable pricing plans, making it a cost-effective alternative to ThoughtSpot. Pricing starts at $49 per month for the Starter plan, which includes access to Akkio’s core features. For more advanced users, our pricing plans scale affordably and relative to your usage.

Akkio offers a fully-feaatured free trial for everyone to test out the platform. No credit card required.

Return on Investment

Both ThoughtSpot and Akkio offer a strong return on investment by streamlining data analysis and delivering actionable insights. Businesses can optimize their operations, make better decisions, and uncover growth opportunities by leveraging the powerful features of these platforms.

That being said, Akkio offers a more affordable solution for smaller teams and might take you to ROI faster. Our machine learning engine is available from the get-go on all plans, and the limits are very generous. Unless your dataset is larger than 1 million rows - you should be good on the base plan!

Customer Testimonials and Success Stories

Customer testimonials and success stories can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of a business intelligence tool. In this section, we will discuss the experiences of ThoughtSpot and Akkio users, highlighting the benefits and challenges they have faced while using these platforms.

ThoughtSpot users have reported that the platform is easy to use and provides powerful insights into

Akkio Customer Testimonials

Users of Akkio have consistently praised its no-code predictive modeling capabilities, improved internal processes, and ability to identify growth opportunities. Akkio has received positive reviews and ratings on platforms such as Product Hunt, G2, FeaturedCustomers, and TrustRadius, where users have commended its user-friendly interface, scalability, and ability to provide valuable insights and predictions.

These testimonials highlight the benefits of using Akkio across various industries and applications, emphasizing the platform’s adaptability and ease of use. With its powerful features and user-friendly interface, Akkio has proven to be a valuable tool for businesses looking to optimize their data analysis processes and uncover growth opportunities.

ThoughtSpot Success Stories

ThoughtSpot customers have reported numerous benefits from using the platform, including:

  • Easy access to data
  • Consistent data analysis
  • Better insights
  • Significant time savings

Companies such as Anthem, Comcast, PNC, Hulu, RBS, and Hilton have utilized ThoughtSpot to optimize their operations and gain a competitive advantage in their respective industries.

These success stories demonstrate the value of ThoughtSpot’s AI-powered analytics platform and its ability to deliver powerful insights in a user-friendly format. Nevertheless, it’s vital to take into account the overall cost and return on investment when assessing ThoughtSpot as a potential solution for your data analysis requirements.

Integrations and Compatibility

The ability to integrate with existing systems and applications is crucial for any business intelligence platform. In this section, we will compare the data integration and compatibility capabilities of ThoughtSpot and Akkio, highlighting the differences in their approach to connecting with data sources and other business tools.

ThoughtSpot provides a plethora of integration options, encompassing direct connections to databases, APIs

ThoughtSpot Integrations

Thoughtspot's integrations

ThoughtSpot provides extensive integrations with numerous popular data sources and business applications, guaranteeing seamless connection of users’ existing systems and tools to the platform. Some of these integrations include:

  • Oracle
  • SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL databases
  • Amazon Redshift
  • Google BigQuery
  • Snowflake data warehouses
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • Visualization tools like D3.js, Highcharts, and Plotly

These extensive integration capabilities make ThoughtSpot a highly versatile and powerful tool for data analysis, allowing users to access and analyze data from a wide range of sources and applications seamlessly.

Akkio Integrations

Akkio's available integrations
Akkio's Integrations

Akkio also provides integrations with various data sources and platforms, focusing on ease of use and seamless data analysis. Some of the integrations offered by Akkio include Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Snowflake.

Akkio’s emphasis on integration and compatibility guarantees effortless connection of users’ data sources and tools, enabling hassle-free access and analysis of data. While ThoughtSpot may offer more extensive integration capabilities, Akkio’s emphasis on ease of use and seamless data analysis makes it an attractive alternative for businesses looking to optimize their data analysis processes.

Security and Data Governance

Data security and governance are crucial factors to consider when evaluating business intelligence platforms.

ThoughtSpot Security

ThoughtSpot upholds data security through strong governance and control features, such as authentication, authorization, encryption, and data masking. They also offer a wide range of data governance and control features, such as data lineage, data quality, and data access control, to help organizations manage their data effectively and comply with industry regulations.

These security measures and data governance features demonstrate ThoughtSpot’s commitment to protecting user data and maintaining compliance with industry standards, making it a reliable option for businesses looking to safeguard their data while leveraging powerful analytics tools.

Akkio Data Privacy and Security

Akkio also prioritizes data privacy and security, implementing information security controls throughout its operations to protect users and their data. Akkio utilizes infrastructure from Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), which offer industry-leading security measures.

While no electronic transmission or data storage of information can guarantee absolute security or privacy, Akkio’s commitment to data protection and its use of advanced security measures make it a strong contender for businesses looking to safeguard their data while benefiting from powerful analytics capabilities. Akkio is also GDPR and SOC2 compliant.


In conclusion, Akkio is a powerful and cost-effective alternative to ThoughtSpot, offering a comprehensive suite of features that allow businesses to make data-driven decisions and maintain a competitive edge. With its generative business intelligence, streamlined data analysis, and robust security measures, Akkio provides an attractive solution for businesses looking to optimize their data analysis processes and uncover valuable insights.

While ThoughtSpot remains a popular choice, Akkio’s affordability, extra autoML and AI capabilities, ease of use, and versatility make it a strong contender for businesses seeking an innovative business intelligence tool.

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