Published on

January 3, 2024

Artificial Intelligence

HyperWrite AI Review: The Future of Writing or Just Another AI Tool?

HyperWrite AI: A unique take on AI writing with a personal assistant that handles tasks for you. But is the content it creates good enough? Let's test it!
Giorgio Barilla
Digital Marketing Specialist
Artificial Intelligence

HyperWrite AI markets itself as your "personal AI writing assistant", designed to help you create content faster and improve your writing skills. But with so many AI writing tools available now, how does HyperWrite stand out? 

In this extensive HyperWrite review, we'll evaluate every aspect of this AI writer to see if it lives up to its promises. We'll explore Hyperwrite AI's key features, pricing, weigh its pros and cons, benchmark it against competitors like Jasper AI and ChatGPT, and conclude with our verdict on its ideal user.

Key Takeaways:

  • HyperWrite is an easy to use AI writing tool that includes a “Personal Assistant”, a chrome extension to execute operations in the browser on your behalf;
  • The AI Writer uses several LLMs to generate answers. It looks like their core LLM is Cohere, a fairly atypical choice when the market is dominated by GPT models;
  • Best for beginners and those wanting an AI assistant over advanced content creation;
  • AI Tools work better inside a full AI stack. Consider adding a data analysis tool like Akkio if you work for an agency!

What is HyperWrite AI?

Homepage of the tool: HyperWrite AI, mentioning it's an ai assistant for everyday tasks
Copyright HyperWrite, homepage as of 12/21/2023

HyperWrite AI stands out as an AI writing assistant, prioritizing personalized assistance over traditional document-centric tools. It's designed to act as a smart personal assistant, enhancing writing tasks in terms of speed and style.

The specific AI models powering HyperWrite are not publicly confirmed, but insights from online case studies point towards Cohere. They also deploy their own custom LLMs and implement APIs from OpenAI. This choice is significant in an industry dominated by OpenAI's models. Using Cohere and custom LLMs, HyperWrite AI could offer its users more distinctive and varied marketing content. 

Key Features of HyperWrite

AI Tools & Templates

These are pre-defined AI tools designed for popular use cases. Unlike multimodal tools, they can only generate and process text and are somewhat limited compared to the more versatile nature of platforms like ChatGPT Plus.

However, HyperWrite AI specifically focuses on creating unique, optimized marketing content. The output from Hyperwrite AI is distinct from what you might obtain with ChatGPT, at least without extensive prompt engineering.

Additionally, these AI Tools can access the internet to find fresh information, including all writing features. This ensures your content always includes relevant and up-to-date details about the topics you're writing about. For marketing teams, these tools can be instrumental in streamlining daily workflows and enhancing engagement rates.

  • LinkedIn Post Generator
  • Expert Marketing Assistant
  • Email Responder
  • SEO Friendly Blog Post Writer
  • AI Search Engine
  • Facebook Post Generator
  • Proposal Generator

There are about 50 tools to choose from, and users can create their own and submit them to the community.

HyperWrite AI Chat

Chat is the default user interface for nearly all AI tools nowadays. It's user-friendly and straightforward, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases. This is also true for Hyperwrite. When you first log in, you'll encounter a chatbot interface. While there are other tools available, the chatbot is the primary interface. This chatbot is web-enabled and capable of answering a variety of questions.

Each response from the chatbot costs 1 'credit,' which is a unique pricing model compared to other AI platforms. Here, you're charged the same rate regardless of the length or content of the output, whether the AI needs to scrape the web or generate a table. Typically, users are billed based on the usage and complexity of the outputs, meaning a larger output would cost more than a shorter one. However, that's not the case with Hyperwrite. You're encouraged to experiment with longer prompts without worrying about increased costs.

It's important to note that Hyperwrite AI's chat feature cannot generate or interpret images. It is limited to understanding and producing text, tables, and links.


TypeHead is an AI-powered auto-suggestion engine that operates across the web in multiple languages. It suggests the next word or sentence on any website where you enable it. The tool performs quite effectively, and its usage is unlimited on all paid plans.

It can save a significant amount of time, especially when working on long-form content, composing emails, or covering topics you are not well-versed in.

TypeHead adapts to your writing style and offers contextual suggestions. For instance, you can enable it in Gmail to ensure replies are consistent with your personal style:

Hyperwrite AI prompting the user to enable the extension in Gmail

Personal Assistant

Their new flagship product, Personal Assistant, marks a complete overhaul of the platform, now taking a prominent position in its design. It's a Chrome extension that leverages their AI to perform tasks on your behalf. For instance, you could ask the Personal Assistant to navigate to a specific website and fill out a form, or to conduct research on a topic and compile the findings in a Google Doc. The Personal Assistant uses 1 credit for every 10 actions, making it more cost-effective than the standard chat feature.

While its full range of capabilities is somewhat unclear, it definitely includes tasks such as:

  • Opening web pages
  • Conducting Google searches
  • Filling out forms
  • Extracting text from web pages
  • Opening Google Docs and other web applications
  • Engaging in chat interactions
  • Navigating web interfaces, like CRMs or social networks
  • Transferring details from one place to another (e.g., from Google to Google Docs)

Currently in beta, the team is working on extending this feature to desktop devices. In the near future, you might be able to control your entire device and operating system using AI. The first alpha version has been released, and it is available for testing today.

Document Editor

HyperWrite AI provides a document editor equipped with AI features like TypeHead and AutoWrite (their generative writing system). However, it's currently deeply embedded within the user interface and is quite challenging to locate.

In the previous UI version, which is still accessible, these features were more prominently displayed. This might suggest a strategic shift towards Personal Assistants and away from in-house document builders.

User Experience and Interface

The user interface of HyperWrite is crafted for simplicity and intuitiveness, especially when interacting with the AI assistant. At its core is a chat box where users can input prompts and receive responses from the AI. This straightforward design ensures that HyperWrite is easy to use from the get-go, with minimal learning curve.

However, the interface has its limitations beyond the primary chat functionalities. Additional features, such as the AI Document Writing tools, are not immediately apparent and are somewhat obscured, relying more on the platform's legacy user interface.

Customization and Learning Curve

The HyperWrite interface offers limited options for customization and personalization. Most users will likely stick to the main chat functions, which are straightforward. However, it takes some time to discover the more advanced features that are tucked away in other menus. Despite this, the learning curve for Hyperwrite is minimal, allowing users to start interacting with the AI immediately.

Chrome Extension Usage and Benefits

HyperWrite offers an optional browser extension that seamlessly integrates its AI assistant into any webpage. While not mandatory, this extension is key to unlocking Hyperwrite's full potential for versatile, on-the-go use. A primary advantage is the activation of TypeHead, Hyperwrite's predictive writing feature, across various websites. Whether you're composing emails or documents, TypeHead provides autocomplete suggestions to enhance productivity.

Furthermore, the extension allows you to access a personal AI assistant in a popup window. This feature is akin to having Siri or Alexa on demand, ready to answer queries, conduct research, or serve as a helpful companion during your tasks.

In summary, HyperWrite's browser extension is designed to make AI tools and chatbots ubiquitous, extending their reach beyond the website. For those keen on harnessing the assistive power of AI, this extension is almost essential, enabling the full spectrum of HyperWrite's capabilities wherever and whenever they're needed.

Testing Hyperwrite AI

We recently tested HyperWrite AI by purchasing a Pro subscription plan to evaluate its features. It's important to note that we have no affiliation with HyperWrite and do not receive any incentives or commissions based on others purchasing it.

As digital marketers, we are always on the lookout for new AI tools that could benefit our clients. HyperWrite caught our attention with its promising features, such as AI-driven content creation and a proficient chatbot assistant. Our primary objective was to comprehensively assess the potential value HyperWrite could add when integrated into a client's existing marketing technology stack, particularly in conjunction with tools like our AI analytics solution.

With that in mind, let's delve into the results!

Quality of the Output

Firstly, we evaluated the quality of HyperWrite's output in comparison to baseline foundational models like GPT-4 and Claude 2. It's important to clarify that this is not a technical assessment, as we do not have specific information about the models HyperWrite employs.

Blog Writing

To write a blog post, we used the “SEO Friendly Blog Post Writer”, asking it to generate an article on HyperWrite. This is the result: 

Blog post generated with HyperWrite AI
Blog post generated with HyperWrite AI

The AI decided to use “search” to find relevant information, and mentioned sources for its claims. However, some are inaccurate, like the one mentioning HyperWrite can generate images: 

the AI generation mentions HyperWrite can add images

That knowledge comes from a Facebook post where the company did announce an AI image generation feature. That’s not in the current version of HyperWrite, though. You can use DALL-E 3 if you need to generate images.

The article is 362 words, and it’s not SEO optimized. There’s practically no chance it would rank on Google or that humans would find it interesting to read.

Let’s compare it to what ChatGPT with GPT-4 outputs using the same prompt: 

Generating a blog post with ChatGPT with GPT-4
Same prompt, but on GPT-4

All the information in this one is accurate, and the article is 456 words long. Still way below the target for the query, but a lot closer to it. The output comes from ChatGPT plus, which includes multimodality and features like code interpreter (previously advanced data analysis).


It wouldn’t be fair to assess HyperWrite AI’s capabilities without mentioning their most innovative feature. Let’s test out the personal assistant. 

Research and copy to a notepad

The first task is to research a topic on Google and copy the information to a notepad online. We didn’t give any other instructions for the task.

The assistant properly researched the topic on Google: 

HyperWrite searching for "cats" on Google
HyperWrite searching for "cats" on Google

It opened Google docs:

HyperWrite opens Google Docs

And pasted a summary in: 

HyperWrite AI pastes a summary in a Google Doc

This would be very complicated in ChatGPT or any other AI platform.

Let’s try something more complicated.

Book a Flight

This time, we asked the personal assistant to open the checkout page for a flight from New York City to London.

The assistant opened Google to search for a flight booking website: 

Flight Booking Search with personal assistant by HyperWrite AI

It found, clicked on flights, and started to type in the city: 

AI finds through the HyperWrite personal assistant

However, this attempt was unsuccessful. The AI continued to fill in the remaining information, but returned an error due to the missing destination. The AI then tried to refresh the page in an effort to fix the error, but this did not resolve the issue. Subsequently, it decided to return to Google to find another travel booking website. Unfortunately, the same error occurred again.

At this point, we paused the personal assistant. Booking a flight proved to be more challenging than anticipated. Despite the unsuccessful attempt, we were quite impressed with the AI's efforts to rectify the errors.

Copy & Paste data from one app to the another

No one likes copy pasting. Let’s try to use the personal assistant to actually assist us in a marketing task.

As marketers, we frequently need to estimate the engagement rate of an influencer. Let’s ask the assistant to extrapolate the last 10 posts on X from @POTUS and transfer all engagement metrics like likes, views, and comments in Google Sheet.

Unfortunately, the AI wasn’t willing to move the data to a Google Sheet, but it did properly extrapolate the tweets. Overall, the personal assistant feature is useful, but can only be applied to very simple workflows right now.

Automatic Suggestions

HyperWrite’s automatic suggestions are best used for short content, as automatically suggested by their very own TypeHead. The AI won’t generate more than a few sentences.

HyperWrite's TypeHead in Google Docs

The quality is typically good and follows the style of the content. We were happy to use a few of the suggestions, but don’t expect this to be 100% accurate.

Pros and Cons of Using HyperWrite

As with all tools, HyperWrite AI is not for everyone. Here’s a list of pros and cons after spending some time in the platform: 


  • Efficiency boost: TypeHead is quite limited, but helpful. It auto-suggests multiple sentences to continue writing and personalized the suggestions depending on the contest; 
  • Unique LLM: most AI tools are simply OpenAI wrappers, meaning you can get the same output from ChatGPT if you prompt it well. HyperWrite choose a different approach and built its own tech stack, most likely including Cohere’s LLM as the foundational model; 
  • Easy UI & Setup: it’s very easy to get started with HyperWrite AI, even if you’re a complete beginner in the world of AI tools; 
  • Personal Assistant: the personal assistant can literally book flights or order pizzas for you - it’s an unmatched flexibility.
  • Create your custom tools: anyone can generate quick AIs for their personal needs, similar to Custom GPTs in OpenAI or MindStudio. Custom bots in HyperWrite can browse the web.


  • Slower output: HyperWrite can take a while to generate, which can impact the usefulness of TypeHead as well. For example, we were frequently waiting for TypeHead to generate new sentences. If your typing speed is above 90WPM, you might need to slow down; 
  • English first: HyperWrite is currently only optimized for the English language;
  • Not the cheapest out there: ChatGPT, Claude Pro, and even Jasper AI are significantly cheaper than HyperWrite when used as an AI writing tool. If you look at it as a personal assistant, then the cost might be worth it.

Pricing and Plans

HyperWrite offers a free plan, but it comes with strict limitations that make it impractical for most business uses.

The paid plans start at $19.99 per month. This base paid plan includes 200 assistant credits.

Each assistant credit represents 1 chat message with the AI assistant or 10 actions within the browser-based workflows. Typically, conversations and workflows require multiple credits to complete.

Unlimited TypeHead

TypeHead usage is unlimited on all paid HyperWrite plans, regardless of the number of credits.

Comparison with Competitors

It’s all good and well, but how does HyperWrite AI stack up against its competitors?

Jasper AI

Jasper AI was one of the first AI writing assistants on the market, and it keeps breaking records with its impressive content library. 

Jasper uses a plethora of models, including GPT-4 Turbo and Claude 2, and has its own custom-trained LLMs for specific tasks. The company pivoted its focus to agencies in 2023, following the release of ChatGPT, and now primarily develops features for this market.

Marketing teams can leverage a brand tone of voice, image generation, content automation tools, and more. In contrast to HyperWrite, Jasper excels in long-form content creation and integrates seamlessly with SEO tools like SurferSEO. It also provides unlimited words and a comprehensive document editor, making it a preferred choice for an all-in-one platform.

However, it lacks features like a personal assistant and custom AIs, and some of its features are pricier than those offered by HyperWrite AI. Pricing starts at $49/month.

Copy AI is a very close competitor to Jasper, and offers a completely free plan that’s quite generous for individuals.

They offer a chat interface to create content, a multitude of templates for marketing use cases, and an automation workflow builder, enabling users to prompt the AI multiple times in one go (for example, to generate a full social media plan rather than one post at a time).

CopyAI's Workflows

They also offer “tools”, similar to HyperWrite’s tools, such as “Growth ideas”, “Explain like I’m Five”, and “Rewrite with keywords”.

CopyAI’s pricing is quite competitive, standing at $49 for unlimited words and unlimited workflow usage. They integrate with many platforms through Zapier. CopyAI only supports GPT models.


The most affordable option, Rytr, is a cost-effective AI writer that has been in the market for several years. Initially launched with a lifetime subscription on platforms like AppSumo, Rytr now offers packages starting at $9/month for 100k characters. Rytr's appeal lies in its simplicity; it encompasses all the expected features of an AI writer without any extra frills.

It doesn't boast groundbreaking innovations or use the latest models from OpenAI or Anthropic, but it effectively fulfills its purpose. Its significantly lower cost compared to other tools on this list makes it a compelling choice for those seeking a straightforward, functional AI. However, for needs like custom AIs or a personal assistant, HyperWrite may be a more suitable option.


If you’re an SEO, WriteSonic and SurferSEO both offer SEO-powered long-form writing assistants. Other startups like Outranking and SEOWriting also joined the competitive market this year. 

These tools are specifically designed to help you write better content, rank better and faster on google, and ensure optimal On-Page SEO Optimization.

SurferSEO is the most expensive solution at $29 per article, but justifies the cost with massive token usage. They basically scrape the content of all ranking results for a given keyword to inform the AI.

Surfer uses GPT-4 32k, one of the most expensive LLMs available today. They might become cheaper if they end up switching to GPT-4 Turbo 128k.

The results are good, but it’s hard to justify a hefty price tag for AI content that, ultimately, still needs human revision and novel insights. But it can be worth it if you have ambitious SEO goals and want an assist. The output is much better than HyperWrite for long form content.

Custom Solution

Nowadays, building your own AI is easier than ever. Platforms like MindStudio and AirOps empower everyone to create custom AIs, regardless of their expertise, using all sorts of models, from GPT to Mistral (open source).

If none of the above solutions fits your needs, a custom AI might be what you’re looking for. It doesn’t compare one on one with HyperWrite as you’d be the one deciding what the AI focuses on. You can’t currently create chrome extensions to have the AI follow you everywhere you go like TypeHead from HyperWrite.

Who Should Use HyperWrite?

HyperWrite is best suited for beginner content creators, solopreneurs, marketing teams, and those seeking an AI personal assistant.

Specifically, HyperWrite excels in these scenarios:

  • Content Creation Support: The unique models powering HyperWrite can generate interesting angles and phrasing for blogs, social posts, emails, etc. The suggestions act as a beneficial writing aid.
  • Marketing Workflows: The array of templates, creators, and automations simplify cranking out consistent marketing materials from ads to landing pages.
  • Personal Productivity: Between the browser extension and personal assistant, HyperWrite capably handles research, data entry, appointments, and more - saving users hours.

In summary, HyperWrite fills an unmet need between basic writers and full-featured SEO suites. For those seeking unique ideas and writing suggestions alongside personal AI assistance, HyperWrite brings good value. Technical users may still prefer custom solutions.


In closing, HyperWrite brings a unique spin to AI writing tools with its emphasis on an AI-powered personal assistant. For many, having an ever-present assistant handling rote tasks and speeding up workflows unlocks newfound productivity.

The core writing and content creation capabilities are ok, but not best-in-class. Senior content marketers may find more robust long-form writing tools. But for short-form social posts, emails, and basic blogging, HyperWrite suffices.

Ultimately, HyperWrite carves out a distinctive niche between basic AI writers and full-scale content suites. It likely won't completely replace other solutions for marketers, but instead complement existing tech stacks. The flexibility of the tools and central personal assistant evens out some limitations on the writing itself.

For solopreneurs, personal use, or simple business needs, HyperWrite delivers ample value. The unique assistant features and custom AI possibilities distinguish HyperWrite as an innovative contender pushing the boundaries of how AI can augment human productivity. While still early and improving, it's a promising option worth exploring further as the capabilities expand over time.

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