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January 8, 2024


How to Use No-Code AI to Grow Your Business

Using machine learning and no-code tools to predict and automate everyday tasks will change the lives of business users.
Jon Reilly
Co-Founder, Co-CEO, Akkio

Artificial Intelligence has been around for decades, but it has been relegated to the domain of data scientists at the largest companies. It’s only recently become more generally accessible to a wider group of business users. Machine learning is rapidly being adopted in a variety of industries, from healthcare and finance to retail and manufacturing, to power business growth. 

Part of this explosion in the spread of artificial intelligence is thanks to autoML and the no-code movement, which makes it possible for non-data scientists to create ML models and deploy them in minutes. With Akkio, you can train an AI model in as little as 10 seconds, with no code or data science experience needed.

Countless businesses are already using low-code and no-code platforms to boost productivity, improve customer service, and reduce costs, without tying up costly software development teams. Here are 15 use cases where no-code AI can help your company grow.

1. Analyzing customer behavior

A human brain can only process so much information at once, which means that customer support teams are always going to be at least one step behind real-time customer behavior. At the same time, customers are the heart of your business and the largest source of business growth, via word-of-mouth. Ensuring customer satisfaction is of vital importance.

Customer satisfaction is a perfect application for machine learning, as it can scan vast amounts of information in real-time and detect patterns that humans cannot see. If there’s a pattern that needs attention, machine learning helps identify it so that a business can respond proactively rather than reactively (in which case they may not have enough time to combat negative sentiment). 

For example, you could use Akkio’s text classification and natural language processing (NLP) ability to proactively detect negative customer sentiment on channels like Twitter and create an  automation to assign customer service representatives to take action.

2. Predicting future revenue

Understanding how much money you’re going to bring in is crucial for business planning. How much can you spend on payroll? Will you earn enough to expand the business? What will your taxes look like?

Predictive analytics is one of the most valuable tools for businesses today, as it allows you to answer questions like these. But the traditional means to create algorithms and build models are extremely complex, time-intensive, and expensive. Forecasting is a great fit for machine learning.

With Akkio’s no-code AI platform, you can quickly and easily use the power of artificial intelligence to build forecasting models to predict future revenue.

3. More powerful cost models

There are many factors that go into costs. For example, a medical care customer’s cost may be driven by multiple, complex factors like age, gender, BMI, and where they live - factors that are hard for a traditional algorithm to model. 

Machine learning is the ideal way to take all these factors into account so that you can maximize revenue without compromising your margins.

With Akkio, cost modeling is as simple as uploading a CSV or other dataset with cost data and clicking to make a predictive model.

4. More insightful marketing spend

You know that traditional data analytics no longer offers the insights you need. Machine learning can help you pinpoint exactly the right places to spend your marketing dollars, so you can be sure that you’re getting the most ROI on each and every dollar spent.

By fueling Akkio’s machine learning models with historical ad spend data, you can optimize metrics like CPC, or cost per click, and ROAS, or return on ad spend, all without writing code.

5. Reducing churn

Trying to grow your business without paying attention to churn (customers stopping business with you) is like running a marathon in high heels. It’s unnecessary, dangerous, and makes things a lot harder than they need to be.

If your users are constantly dropping off, it’s a sign that something is seriously wrong with your business, and you need to get to the bottom of it. On the other hand, customers that stick with you for the long run will help on-board others with word-of-mouth, provide valuable feedback along the way, and serve as important social proof.

Minimizing churn is an amazing use-case for machine learning, and it’s extremely easy to do with Akkio’s no-code AI platform.

6. Maximizing conversions

A high conversion rate is like sailing with the wind at your back. It means that the visitors you get—whether from social media posts, blog articles, ad spend, referrals, or any other source—actually result in revenue.

With a low conversion rate, getting thousands of visitors can feel great, but not result in much, and free users that don’t convert will end up costing you money.

No-code AI allows you to precisely model conversion probability and set up workflow automation to optimize every marketing variable possible to maximize conversion rate.

7. Maximizing employee retention

With high employee attrition, your business is a sinking ship. Great businesses are great because of their employees, and keeping your employees on-board is of vital importance. 

Over 70,000 employees at Tesla are responsible for everything from making electric, self-driving cars to deploying solar-powered roofs. 8,000 employees at SpaceX are making humanity multi-planetary and another 100 at Neuralink are building brain-machine interfaces.

When employees quit, the entire mission of a company is put at risk, as human talent is what drives those missions. It takes valuable time and costs money to find, interview, hire, and train new talent.

With Akkio’s no code AI platform, it’s easier than ever to build employee retention models.

8. Reducing fraud

If you’re facing financial fraud, it’s likely the most obvious problem you need to solve. At the same time, detecting financial fraud is like finding a needle in a haystack, as the vast majority of financial transactions are not fraudulent.

Financial fraud is on the rise and companies are losing billions of dollars to it. Fortunately, fraud detection is the perfect use case for machine learning and Akkio makes it easy to make a model to detect it.

9. Scoring leads

Being inundated with leads can feel like a good problem to have, but if you’re not able to service all your leads quickly, and without sacrificing quality, then you’re leaving money on the table and limiting business growth.

With Akkio, you can build a lead scoring model that ranks your leads by their likelihood of converting and build it right into your sales workflow (via a native CRM integration or API), allowing you to intelligently prioritize leads for your sales teams.

10. Forecasting staffing needs

Retail can be a highly volatile industry, with demand levels depending on the interaction of a number of complex variables. For instance, maybe your retail demand increases on holidays, but not if those holidays are on a Monday. Perhaps retail demand at one location is particularly high on weekends, while it's particularly low on weekends at another. These insights can’t be captured by traditional algorithms or modelled in excel, they require a machine learning model.

Akkio gives companies the functionality to forecast staffing needs and avoid under-staffing or over-staffing, both of which would limit business growth.

11. Minimizing absenteeism

It's not just when employees quit that business growth is put at risk—when employees are absent, businesses lose money too.

With Akkio, you can use machine learning to predict when an employee is likely to be absent and take proactive steps to minimize it. This includes everything from reminding employees to take their holidays to ensuring that those who are unwell have the appropriate support.

12. Reducing booking cancellations

In a digital world with more noise than ever, staying top-of-mind is harder than ever—but it’s paramount to business growth.

Appointments can help businesses cut through the noise and establish a direct connection with their customers, but if those appointments are constantly getting cancelled, it’s a huge waste of time and money.

Akkio can help you use machine learning to reduce booking cancellations by understanding which factors are most likely to lead to a cancellation. This might include everything from the day of the week to the length of the appointment.

13. Enhancing customer lifetime value

If you want your business to grow, you need to focus on two things: acquiring new customers and retaining the ones you have. Customer lifetime value (LTV) is a metric that captures both of these things.

LTV is the total amount of money that a customer will spend with your business over the course of their relationship with you. The higher your LTV, the more profitable your business will be.

With Akkio, you can use machine learning to enhance customer lifetime value by understanding which factors are most predictive of long-term customer relationships. This might include everything from customer satisfaction to product usage.

14. Generating targeted upsell and cross-sell recommendations

You know that selling more products to your existing customers is far cheaper than acquiring new ones—but only if those products are relevant to them. If they’re not, you’re just annoying them and driving them away.

Akkio can help you use machine learning to generate targeted upsell and cross-sell recommendations for each of your customers. This way, you can be sure that you’re only selling them products that they actually want, need, and will benefit from.

15. Automating complex tasks

There are many business tasks that are complex, time-consuming, and expensive to do manually—but which could be easily automated with machine learning.

For example, if you’re a financial institution, you might want to automate loan underwriting or fraud detection. If you’re in retail, you might want to automate pricing or inventory management. If you’re in healthcare, you might want to automate patient risk stratification or disease diagnosis.

The possibilities are endless—and Akkio makes it easy to turn them into reality.

Start using machine learning now with no-code AI

Artificial intelligence is already changing the world around us and that impact will continue to accelerate over the next decade. Companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, and Facebook already depend on machine learning to power their business. While the computer vision of a Tesla may get all the press, using machine learning and no-code tools to predict and automate everyday tasks will change the lives of business users even more. These 10 no-code AI use cases will only become more common in the coming years, making it vital to implement them soon, before your competition.

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